15 Tips to Keep ELL Students Engaged and Motivated

June 24, 2024

Engaging and motivating English Language Learners (ELLs) can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can create an inclusive and dynamic learning environment. Here are 15 tips to help keep your ELL students engaged and motivated in their learning journey.

1. Build Strong Relationships

Creating strong relationships with your students is crucial. They need to trust you to learn from you. Take the time to get to know your students and understand their interests and backgrounds. This connection can help you tailor your lessons to be more engaging and motivating ELL students

2. Use High-Quality, Relevant Texts

Selecting high-quality, relevant texts will capture your students’ interest and make learning more meaningful. Choose texts that reflect their experiences, cultures, and interests to make the content more relatable and engaging.

3. Include Students in Class Activities And Use Demonstrations

Make sure your ELL students have a part in what the class is doing. Modify assignments and use lot’s of demonstration in the ESL classroom so that they can participate, even if it means providing additional support. This inclusion helps them feel valued and motivated. Click here to learn more about how to use demonstrations in your ESL classroom!

4. Integrate Their Language and Culture

Incorporating your students’ languages and cultures into lessons and classroom decor. This can make multilingual students feel more connected and respected. This practice also enriches the learning environment for all students.

5. Use Games to Enhance Learning

Games are a fantastic way to make learning fun and interactive. They can help reinforce vocabulary, grammar, and other language skills while keeping students engaged and motivated. Games will promote friendly competition, are excellent revision exercises, and work perfectly as warm up or wind down exercises in the classroom as well. 

6. Allow Student Choice in Topics

Let your students choose the topics for thematic units. Use their interests to build background knowledge, vocabulary, and writing skills. This approach increases their investment in the learning process.

7. Create a Safe and Supportive Atmosphere

A safe atmosphere where risk-taking is rewarded is essential. Encourage laughter and positive interactions. Use activities like reader’s theater and nature walks to make learning more engaging and less intimidating.

8. Break Up Long Classes with Varied Activities

For longer classes, such as 100-minute sessions, break the time into segments with different activities. This approach keeps students engaged by providing variety and allows for a break to recharge.

9. Foster Family Relationships

Building relationships with your students’ families can enhance trust and support. Communicate regularly with families and honor their bilingualism. This partnership can help reinforce learning at home. Click here to read 5 tips for parents to support their multilingual child at home.

10. Incorporate Singing and Music

Singing and music can be powerful tools for language learning, especially for younger students. Use songs to teach vocabulary and grammar, and include cultural songs to make learning fun and relevant.

11. Use Visuals Extensively

Visual aids are crucial in supporting ELL students. Use images, charts, and graphic organizers to help students understand and retain new information. Visuals can bridge language gaps and make concepts clearer.

12. Set Goals and Provide Student Choice

Involve students in setting individual and group goals. Offering choices in their learning activities can increase motivation and give them a sense of ownership over their education. Additionally, consider incorporating peer marking as a strategy to increase student effort and engagement. When students know their peers will be looking at their work, they tend to put in more effort to avoid embarrassment, resulting in higher quality work. Combining goal setting with peer marking can create a more collaborative and motivating learning environment.

13. Emphasize Art Integration

Art can be a universal language that helps ELL students express themselves. Integrate art into lessons as an introduction, project, or incentive. Students can communicate concepts through art, enhancing their understanding and language skills.

14. Focus on Progress and Self-Assessment

Encourage students to focus on their progress and allow them to self-assess. This practice helps them recognize their achievements and identify areas for improvement, fostering a growth mindset.

15. Share Your Passion

Your enthusiasm for teaching is contagious. Show your passion for the subject and for your students’ success. This energy can be inspiring and you will be more engaging and motivating your ELL students.

Useful Free Websites for ESL Teachers

Here are some useful websites that offer free resources and activities for ESL teachers:

  • ESL Printables: A community where teachers share their printable worksheets and activities.
  • Kahoot!: A game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create fun learning games in minutes.
  • Lyricstraining: A new and fun way to learn English and other languages by playing with the videos and lyrics of your favorite songs. (adult students)

Implementing these tips and utilizing free resources can transform your ESL classroom into a dynamic and engaging learning environment. Focus on building strong relationships, incorporating relevant and high-quality materials, and creating a supportive atmosphere by using English language learning posters to keep your ELL students motivated and excited about learning.


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My name is Ayten and I love embarking on language journeys, and taking my students with me. My aim is to INSPIRE teachers to embark on adventures in teaching the English Language. Read More

