Back to School for ELL’s

July 16, 2022
Back to School School Supplies Counting Clip Cards

Tips to reduce stress for ELL students at the beginning of the year?

The beginning of the year is an exciting time and can be a stressful moment for newcomers. Predictable routines and signals are the easiest way to help these students to reduce anxiety at the beginning of the year. Start with games to break the ice, games will allow students to get to know each other in a fun way. Starting the first day with the explicit teaching of the vocabulary of routine and signals is very important for ELL students. Some ELL students might not understand everything that is said in the classroom at the beginning of the year. Thence, having set patterns, routines, and signals helps ELLs to relax and not be distressed about what they have to do next. This helps them to focus more of their energy on the English Language directions and learn this type of language (school survival language) quickly.

Suggestions on how you can implement predictable routines and signals.

  1. Set up your classroom with designated areas for obvious activities. After you have set up the classroom library area, model using books and ask questions. The questions could be; ” I like books about cats”, “What books do you like?” Do you want to read with a partner? Use signs and graphics to help students guide what to do in this area and what the expectations are.
  2. Establish set places for students to clean up or find materials. Model putting these things in the established places. Use labels with pictures to make it very clear for students.
  3. Model routines. This is very important at the beginning of the school year. Model each new routine and teach the language that is associated with it. Consistent use of modeling and contextualizing of oral directions is crucial. Be consistent in your directions.
  4. Games to teach the school supplies vocabulary and school directions vocabulary. Students love to play teacher. This simple Teacher game is a variant of the game “Simon Says”. Ask one student to be the teacher, this student will give directions and the other students must follow. If a student is shy to be the teacher proved them the directions so they can repeat what you said. School Supplies Bingo is a fun and easy game for newcomers to play.

If you follow these suggestions you will make sure that your student meets the Language Standards like;

Pre-K to Kindergarten LISTENING/SPEAKING Standards

  • Students will participate in classroom routines with visuals.
  • Students will give or ask for permission.
  • Students will restate information given.
  • Students listen for recognizable words in familiar phrases.
  • Students expresses immediate needs.
  • Students will speak memorized phrases

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My name is Ayten and I love embarking on language journeys, and taking my students with me. My aim is to INSPIRE teachers to embark on adventures in teaching the English Language. Read More

