How To Motivate Multilingual Students In The Classroom

October 3, 2023
motivating esl students

One of the things when I was teaching Multilingual students that I found challenging was how to keep students motivated in the classroom. As educators, we often find ourselves on a quest to unlock the potential within each of our ESL (English as a Second Language) students, especially those in high school (HS) and middle school (MS). The journey of language learning can be as exciting as it is challenging, and one of the most vital aspects of this adventure is motivation and grit to reach your language goals. 

Motivation is the driving force behind successful language acquisition. It provides the desire to master new vocabulary, navigate complex grammar rules, and confidently express ideas in English. However, it’s not always easy to maintain high levels of motivation, especially for young learners. That’s where self-assessment comes in. 

I would suggest to start with teaching what Grit in Language Learning means. This video  gives a visual to open up a discussion.

The Power of Progress Reflection

Self-assessment is a powerful tool that empowers students to take ownership of their language learning journey. By reflecting on their progress, identifying challenges, and setting goals, HS and MS ESL students can reignite their motivation and enthusiasm for learning English. So, let’s embark on this self-assessment/progress reflection adventure together! 

Language Learning Reflection:

1. What aspects of learning English do you find most challenging, and why?

Begin by asking your students to pinpoint the specific areas where they face the most difficulty. Is it pronunciation, grammar, or perhaps writing essays in English? Understanding these challenges is the first step towards overcoming them.

2. Reflect on a recent English assignment or activity. What did you do well, and where do you think you could improve?

Encourage students to evaluate their recent work critically. Celebrate their successes and guide them in recognizing areas that need improvement. This reflection fosters a growth mindset.

3. Create your very own ESL Positive Affirmation Station for your classroom using these stunning affirmations.

An ESL/ELL affirmation station is an amazing way for students to feel empowered and build up their confidence and vocabulary towards language learning. Affirmations are a fantastic way to create a positive and motivating environment where students can thrive. Your ESL/ELL students will feel encouraged and inspired as they see these stunning affirmations prominently displayed in your classroom.

4. How do you currently practice your English skills outside of the classroom? What additional activities you would like to try?

Help students see the bigger picture by exploring how English is part of their daily lives. Encourage them to identify additional activities, such as watching English-language movies or reading books, following an English youtuber or a podcaster, anything that aligns with their interests.

5. Think about your language goals. Are they specific and achievable? How can you break them down into smaller, manageable steps?

Guide your students in setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) language goals. Breaking these goals into smaller steps makes them less daunting and more achievable. An example is by the end of the semester I know 10 more academic vocabulary, or by the end of the semester I am confident; I will be speaking about one topic that means something to them.

6. What strategies or techniques do you use when you encounter a word or phrase in English that you don’t understand?

This is very important as language learners will always encounter unfamiliar words. Encourage students to share their strategies for overcoming language barriers. This reflection helps them build effective language learning techniques and boosts their confidence and become proactive in deciphering unfamiliar words. 

7. Consider your speaking and listening skills. Are you comfortable participating in class discussions and conversations with peers? If not, what holds you back?

Explore the importance of speaking and listening in language learning. Address any barriers that hinder students’ active participation in class and conversations. Put up sentence starters in the classroom to help students overcome this barrier. 

You Language Adventure Awaits!

Empowering your HS and MS ESL students to embark on a self-assessment journey is a remarkable way to reignite their motivation for language learning. By encouraging them to reflect on their challenges, celebrate their successes, and set meaningful goals, you’re helping them become confident language adventurers.

I hope you to supporting ESL teachers in their quest to inspire and educate. Stay tuned for more engaging resources and ideas to enhance your ESL classroom. Happy teaching and learning!


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My name is Ayten and I love embarking on language journeys, and taking my students with me. My aim is to INSPIRE teachers to embark on adventures in teaching the English Language. Read More

